0051 – Listener Questions Answered!


We’re going to catch up on all of the listener questions we’ve gotten, that can’t be an entire show…this is the GrabBag!

Teaser Bullets

by the end of this episode you’ll learn:

  • Should you ‘wait’ for your crush to be ready for a relationship?
  • How long should you date if you have no intentions of marrying your partner?
  • Should you pursue someone you’re only interested in physically?
  • Should you pursue a married woman if she’s unhappy?
  • Why do guys (and gals) do the ‘Slow Fade’ or sabotage their relationships instead of just breaking up?
  • How much baggage is TOO much?

Segment #1

  • I have known and been interested in a girl for two years, but she has been in a relationship until recently. We have been hanging out every weekend for the past couple of months. She has said she is interested and we have gotten close but she doesn’t want a relationship right now. She said she needs some time to be on her own, which I understand and respect, but do I wait or move on? I really like this girl and I think it is mutual, but I don’t want to wait around only to have it not turn into anything.
  • My roommate has been dating his girlfriend for several years now, but he has admitted that he can’t picture himself getting hitched to her. Is there a point where he should reconsider his relationship, or should he just let what happens, happen?
  • When your boyfriend basically becomes your best friend (aka the passion is gone) and you meet someone else who you are only interested in physically, what do you do? Make it work with your boyfriend or pursue things with the new interest, hoping it will manifest into something more?

To get a weekly link to all of the bonus content, show notes, and interviews with relationship experts simply go to www.relationspodcast.com/subscribe and we’ll send you one email a week with links to everything so you can stay up to date, and we can continue to relate!

Segment #2

    • I used to date this girl when we were in our early twenties. The timing was not right and I obviously had a lot to learn about my self and women. But we had a connection with each other that I have not been able to find with anyone in my late twenties. I lost track of her since a year after we ended dating she married a guy in his mid thirties. I did think anything of it until we ran into each other a month ago. She gave the biggest smile and an even bigger hug. We had that same spark when we were younger and she surprisingly whispered in my ear to call her. I got bored the other day and texted her. She told me her life was ”ok, not amazing, but ok”. I am 7 months out of a significant relationship myself where I was unhappy and can tell that she hanging onto a thread. I fear becoming a home wrecker but with how divorce is now a days, is this something I should pursue?
    • Slow Fade – People stay miserable and sabotage relationships instead of breaking up


  • And how much baggage is too much? Do you have to always run if it shows up early or is there room for trying to be there for someone you might end up wanting to be with with for the long haul without setting an unhealthy dynamic or letting yourself be used? Can you just meet someone at a bad time in their life?

To get a weekly link to all of the bonus content, show notes, and interviews with relationship experts simply go to www.relationspodcast.com/subscribe and we’ll send you one email a week with links to everything so you can stay up to date, and we can continue to relate!

Final Thoughts:

  • Elijah’s Thoughts
  • Sarah’s Thoughts

In Closing

In closing, on behalf of my fantastic co-host, Sarah J. Storer, author of “How to be Dumped: The Definitive Breakup Guide” I want to thank you for spending time with us today, now let’s continue the conversation at relationspodcast.com/[ShowNumber] and:


Final Question:

[Create a question based on the total show, or a quirky incident that happened during recording]?

Tell us about it in the comment section and let’s see if we can’t continue to relate to one another. We’ll talk soon.

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